Sderot Media Center responds to The Jerusalem Post article on lull in rocket fire.

“It was surprising to read the JPOST report on May 20, “Qassam Wounds Sderot Woman”
that the May 19 attack took place “AFTER A LULL IN ROCKET FIRE FOR JUST OVER TWO MONTHS”

Daily attacks on Sderot and the Western Negev continue unabated, despite the
fact that the mainstream media downplays the 210 attacks that have hit the south since the
Jan 18 ceasefire, a figure confirmed by the IDF spokesman – an average of almost
two aerial attacks a day.

Every time that Gazans fire at the Western Negev, panic results as
people scamble for shelter.

The result of these attacks has been the spread of mental stress, in epidemic
proportions, and The Sderot Mental Health Center now treats 5,000 people who have been traumatized by
the after effects of daily missile attacks.

What is newsworthy is that on May 19, 2009, the Sderot Mental Health Center announced that it was closing
its doors yesterday, for lack of funding.

Readers of The Jerusalem Post should raise their voices against such a funding cutback.

Noam Bedein

Sderot Media Center

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Noam Bedein is a director of the Sderot Media Center. It is a media advocacy center which portrays the human face of Sderot and southern Israel under siege, to the international media and public. Noam, a native of Tzfat, grew up in Efrat, Israel. After finishing the Beit El Yeshiva High School, Noam learned at a pre-Army training program in the Jordan Valley and then served for three years as an IDF sergeant for an artillery scout unit along the Lebanese border. After the army, Noam served as an emissary for The Jewish Agency in Boston, Massachusetts and then traveled for a year in the Far East. Upon his return to Israel, Noam relocated to Sderot and pioneered the “Sderot Media Center for the Western Negev Ltd", which has spawned the Sderot Media Center. In this position, Noam is a photojournalist, lecturer and gives briefings to foreign government officials, embassies, foreign press and student groups from around the world.


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