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Noam Bedein College Campus Speaking Tour, Nov’ 2014- “How ‘Sderot’s rocket reality’ overnight turned...

Shalom Israel supporter, After 50 days of military confrontation between Israel and Hamas-controlled Gaza, with more than 4,500 rockets and missiles fired towards Israel and 72 Israeli casualties, this is the time to share the...

Sderot Snaps Back

The Jewish people recite at their Passover Seder each year: " ולנו לאבותינו שעמדה ויהי "-"This is what has stood to our fathers and to us", for not just one alone has risen against us...

Sderot, Not What You Think

On the one hand, the 20,000 residents of Sderot are living an unimaginable life of fear. Their schools have been rebuilt as enormous bomb shelters, every bus stop doubles as a shelter and even...

Shana Tova! Summary of SMC activity for Summer 2012 & Future Goals

To our families, friends, and visitors from around the world SHANA TOVA and THANK YOU!! As the New Year approaches, please stop for a moment and think about the challenges, Sderot and southern Israel are facing....

Wake-up call

Exclusive for Sderot Media Center Dawn breaks on the city of Sderot; it's a Shabbat, the day of rest. But as they say, there's no rest for the wicked. Some found that it would be...

A Subjective Testimony

"Testimony", the opening film at the Cinema South Film Festival, tells only one side of the story and is no more than propaganda that is a direct continuation of the campaign to de-legitimize the...

הלגיטימציה לקיום ישראל – ההתמקדות בהסברה

וכחות הארגונים J Street ו-BDS גוברת ברחבי הקמפוסים בארה"ב בפרט ובעולם בכלל - מה שמוביל להיחלשות היכולת של סטודנטים יהודיים לשקול בצורה אובייקטיבית את העובדות בסכסוך הישראלי-פלשתיני. איפה ההסברה הישראלית?. "מרכז תקשורת חברתית שדרות"...

Nakba Day a Disastrous Tactic for Mideast Peace

As I celebrated Israel's Independence Day last week, I did so warily. Recalling the night before, the 25,310 Israeli soldiers and civilians who died for this country during the past 63 years of its...

The truth about Gaza, Goldstone, and the media

The combination of unfair media characterizations and the infamous Goldstone Report issued by the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) has caused Israel to face tremendous struggles in dealing with the claims made about...

Educating on a Rocket Reality

Citizens in Western Negev towns of Israel have been facing the constant threat of rocket fire from Gaza since 2001. Following Operation Cast Lead, Hamas declared a “ceasefire” with Israel, which has not been...