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Tag: Human Interest Stories

Blockading the Truth: Getting the facts straight on the – Gaza Siege’

The year 2009 brought about a fresh wave of anti-Israel rhetoric and accusations, most which cited Israel’s supposed siege on Gaza. The international press frequently cited calls by human rights groups to “end Israel’s...

Sderot Children Send New Year Messages to Gaza

Sderot, Israel (31.12.09): Enkele uren voor het begin van het nieuwe jaar verzamelden zich honderden pro-Palestijnse en Arabische demonstranten bij de Eretz grenspost en scandeerden: ‘Kaytousha’s op Ma’alot; Qassams op Sderot!’ Op hetzelfde moment verzamelden zich iets...

Sderot Rally for Hope: Stop Rocket Attacks on Civilians!

On Dec 31, the Gaza Freedom March, a massive rally organized by the International Coalition to End the Illegal Siege of Gaza, will convene in Cairo. Over 1000 participants from 42 countries along with...

Sderot residents light Chanukah menorah made of Gaza rockets

Jewish residents of a rocket-battered city outside the Gaza Strip every day this week lit a Chanukah menorah fashioned out of hollowed Palestinian Qassam rockets that had been shot at their town. “This is a...

Two Rockets fired from Gaza on Second Day of Channukah

Two Qassam rockets were fired at Israel from the northern Gaza Strip in the early hours of Sunday morning on December 13, the second day of Chanukkah. One rocket exploded in an open area...

From Teheran to Sderot: A Jewish Grandmother Recalls Life in Iran Over 50 Years...

Omid Oshrat, 74, cautiously opens the door to her Sderot home. As I enter her house, Oshrat asks me in the typical Israeli fashion, if I would like something to eat or drink. Even...

Home Front Command Bracing for Missiles in Tel Aviv

The IDF Home Front Command is preparing for the possibility that Hamas will fire missiles up to a range of 80 kilometers from the Gaza Strip in the event of a future conflict with...

Israel bracing for Teheran-backed rocket war on north and south

Israel must prepare itself for the fact that in a coming war, the IDF will not be able to block all incoming rockets from hitting civilian areas, despite the anticipated deployment of the Iron...
Judge Richard Goldstone

Sderot Residents Fed Up with Judge Goldstone

Sderot and western Negev residents experienced another week of sporadic rocket fire from northern Gaza as the General Assembly of the United Nations began its debate on the Goldstone probe into alleged Israeli war...

Hamas marks 8th Qassam anniversary as Sderot remembers first rocket victim

Hamas marked its 8th anniversary of the first Qassam rocket fired at Sderot this week on Monday, October 26. The military wing of Hamas, Izz el-Din al-Qassam Brigades released a military report on their...