Friday, February 7, 2025
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Home Authors Posts by Anav Silverman

Anav Silverman

A native of Maine, Anav Silverman is a columnist and educator whose work has been published widely online and in print, both in Israel and internationally. She has appeared on Al Jazeera, BBC Radio, and CBS 2 and has contributed to BBC News, The Philadelphia Bulletin, The Huffington Post, Bangor Daily News, Maariv, Ynet News, The Jewish Chronicle, Sderot Media Center, Tazpit Press Service and other publications. She also teaches at the Hebrew University Secondary School of Education (Leyada) in Jerusalem.

Sderot teens share rocket life with Israeli Knesset

JERUSALEM 11.5.10: With two months until the end of the school year, several students at the religious AMIT high school of Sderot found themselves...

Sderot Media Center brings the Sderot rocket reality to the Netherlands

Netherlands, 12.4.10: The first media awareness campaign for Sderot in the Netherlands was conducted during the second week of April. Sderot Media Center director,...

How come no one knows who Manee Singmueangphon is?

It is not every day that Human Rights Watch (HRW) comes out with a report that accurately highlights Hamas war crimes against Israel, but...

Purim Recollections: The Real Heroes of Sderot

“The next Megillah reading will be at 6:30 pm sharp,” said a voice on the intercom. I was at the Jerusalem Central Bus Station. It...

Sderot–a return to normalcy?

Although news reports have frequently described the situation in Sderot as back to normal-with real estate having gone up 20 to 30 percent, 1,400...

Une délégation du Kenya visite Sdérot

Alors qu’ils luttent contre une organisation islamiste somalienne (Al-Shabaab), une délégation de membres du parlement kenyan, de responsables de la sécurité et accompagnés de...

Kenyan delegation visits Sderot to learn how rocket-battered city deals with terror

Amidst escalating tensions from the radical Somali Islamic terrorist organization, al-Shabaab, a Kenyan delegation of parliament members, top security officials, and diplomats toured the...

Blockading the Truth: Getting the facts straight on the – Gaza Siege’

The year 2009 brought about a fresh wave of anti-Israel rhetoric and accusations, most which cited Israel’s supposed siege on Gaza. The international press...

Worst Rocket Escalation to Strike Israel Since Operation Cast Lead

Since Operation Cast Lead, over 306 rockets have been fired from the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip. On Sunday, January 10, Israeli PM Binyamin Netanyahu told...

Sderot Children Send New Year Messages to Gaza

Sderot, Israel (31.12.09): Enkele uren voor het begin van het nieuwe jaar verzamelden zich honderden pro-Palestijnse en Arabische demonstranten bij de Eretz grenspost en scandeerden: ‘Kaytousha’s...